BeatBox 0.6

Written for BeatBox by Scott Ringwelski on 2012-08-10

Only two months since 0.5, 0.6, or "Dear Rosemary", is now ready. While there are new features and changes in this release, a lot of this release involves code clean up, bug fixes, and stability improvements.

Some of the new noticeable features are:

*Shuffle is no longer visual.
*New top display UI.
*Closing while playing hides the window, and a new exit app menu option allows you to force close the app.
*Can now be set as default music player
*Faster startup time
*Option to eject devices from sidebar
*Nicer album view popup
*Sidebar inline toolbar

I'd like to thank some of the Noise developers for their help on a few things, such as the nice album view popup.

As usual, if you find any bugs please report them.

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