MacCMS 0.7 Released!

Written for MacCMS by Julian Lam on 2010-03-30

I am proud to announce that the final commits to version 0.7 of MacCMS have come in just under the wire. (I think that just reflects badly on me being a slacker and leaving this to the last minute...)

You can download MacCMS by following this link:

Please note that this release has no support for update checking, and it is still your responsibility to check back every once in awhile to see if a new version has been released.

As always, the Bazaar branch contains the absolute newest code, and you can always grab that copy by running "bzr checkout lp:maccms", and keeping it up to date with "bzr update".

Please see the changelog for differences between this and the unreleased version 0.65.

Updated .

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