Big bang continues...

Written for OpenERP-Asterisk connector by Alexis de Lattre on 2014-08-25

I have pushed again today some very large changes in the OpenERP-Asterisk connector, which follow the 2 other large changes I made in July and August. The most visible part of these changes is the wizard "Open Calling Partner" that has been dropped and replaced by a new feature "Open Callee". Now, if you have the module asterisk_click2dial and you click on the phone icon in the top right :
- if the phone number of the callee is present on a partner, you are directly taken to the form view of that partner. Same for leads, candidates, event registration, etc...
- if the phone number is not present on any partner/lead/candidate/..., a new wizard "Number not found" starts, from which you can create/update a partner or a lead.

Why this change ? First, the new JS code recently introduced for the "Open Calling Partner" allows such a behavior, which was not possible before. Second, as the "Open Callee" button is clicked by the user, we can assume that the user will click on it when he is ready to switch to the form view of the callee, so it's better to take him directly to the callee, and not go through a wizard. Third, in OpenERP version 8, there are some very nice-looking buttons on the form view of the Partner that take you directly to the invoices/quotations/..., so there is no need to have a wizard for that: if the callee is a partner, the user will use the buttons of the partner form view to go to the related invoices/quotations/etc...

I hope that you will agree with this big change. It should be the end of the big bang in the Asterisk-OpenERP connector, because I have made all the big changes I wanted.

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