Registered by Chris Tusa

Telegard/2, also known as OpenTelegard/2 is the 2nd iteration of the Telegard BBS software implemented as open-source in the JRuby language. Its goal is to become a modernized ANSI based Operating Sub System with BBS features.

An operating sub-system is an operating system running within the boundaries of another, providing similar functionality such as User Authentication, File Services, Message Services, and access to programs. These types of systems were known as BBS or Bulletin Board Systems throughout the late 1980's and 1990's. Telegard/2 is a project to re-implement the idea of a BBS as an operating subsystem through Java and JRuby, with modernized protocols, features, and capabilities.

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Chris Tusa
Chris Tusa
Simplified BSD Licence

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trunk series is the current focus of development.

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