Yade 2018.02b

Written for Yade by Anton Gladky on 2018-02-22

Yade 2018.02b released.


Tue, Feb 20 18:55:30 2018 +0100

Anton Gladky (4):
  Remove RELEASE file
  Do not globally import polyhedra_utils in ymport.py
  Simplify and fix the checkPolyhedraCrush
  Add RELEASE file

Bruno Chareyre (1):
  fix cmake warning + effectively enable TWOPHASEFLOW

Janek Kozicki (3):
  Update .gitignore and .mailmap
  Fix warnings that I have during compilaation.
  Initial fix for cgal 4.11. There are some things still to check:

Jerome Duriez (4):
  Doc: typo (missing parenthesis) in Ig2_Sphere_Sphere_ScGeom
  Doc: precising IPhysFunctor docstring
  Doc: typo in Programmer s manual
  Doc: other typos in Programmer s manual

Robert Caulk (2):
  Fix DEM-PFV-check.py failure. Enable CPU usage of direct cholmod solver (useSolver=4)
  Add support for older versions of SuiteSparse

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