Registered by Hartmut Schorrig

The ZBNF is a definition of a syntax-language. It is near BNF or ENBF, but the semantic aspect is regarded in the syntax prescript already. In this kind the translation of a well-formed syntactical plain text with a given ZBNF-syntax parsed with the ZBNF-Parser can outputted to a XML-file. The XML-format joins also the information and its semantic how know.

The result of the parsing process can be filled in Java-container too. From there a Java-program can process the results to generate some output formats.

The ZBNF-Parser is used for the Java2C-translator, which is hosted at launchpad too. It is used also to parse C-language header-files to generate Reflection-Information. It permits to access data in C- or C++-programs in a symbolic way.

Another application of the ZBNF-parser is 'Zmake'. It is a maker-format which can converted for example to the ANT-make-format or to lines of a shell script.

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Hartmut Schorrig
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