Assigned bugs

12 of 2 results
kdeconnect (Ubuntu Focal) 44
plasma-workspace (Ubuntu) 60
12 of 2 results

Rik Mills's teams

“Bileto Users” team
“Bug Supervisors for Ubuntu Translations” team
“computer-janitor-hackers” team
“Crash bug triagers for Ubuntu packages” team
“Debian GNU/Linux Users” team
“DesktopFolder Team” team
“Farsi Fonts” team
“Harald Sitter's Groupies” team
“KDevelop” team
“Kubuntu Bugs” team
“Kubuntu CI Gods” team
“Kubuntu CI” team
“Kubuntu Council” team
“Kubuntu Dev Owner” team
“Kubuntu Developers” team
“#kubuntu IRC Operators” team
“Kubuntu ISO managers” team
“Kubuntu Members” team
“Kubuntu Mobile Team” team
“Kubuntu Netbook” team
“Kubuntu Ninjas - Yellow belts” team
“Kubuntu Ninjas” team
“Kubuntu Package Archives” team
“Kubuntu Packagers” team
“Kubuntu Release” team
“Kubuntu Testers” team
“Kubuntu Updates Testing” team
“Kubuntu Users” team
“Kubuntu website administrators” team
“Kubuntu Website Editors” team
“#kubuntu-devel IRC Operators” team
“#kubuntu-offtopic IRC Operators” team
“Launchpad Beta Testers” team
“Launchpad Users” team
“MOTU” team
“Not Canonical” team
“OpenStack Ubuntu packagers” team
“Planet Ubuntu” team
“Tomahawk” team
“Tritemio Maintainers” team
“Ubuntu Budgie Developers” team
“Ubuntu Budgie” team
“Ubuntu Bug Control” team
“Ubuntu BugSquad” team
“Ubuntu Cinnamon Developers” team
“Ubuntu cloaked people on Libera” team
“Ubuntu Contributing Developers” team
“Ubuntu Core Channel Operators” team
“Ubuntu Core Devel Channel Operators” team
“Ubuntu Council Teams” team
“Ubuntu Developers” team
“Ubuntu Development Team (bugmail catching gateway)” team
“Ubuntu Development Team” team
“Ubuntu IRC Operators” team
“Ubuntu IRC Team” team
“Ubuntu Landing PPAs” team
“Ubuntu Local Community Teams” team
“Ubuntu Members” team
“Ubuntu Packaging Guide Team” team
“Ubuntu Qt Code” team
“Ubuntu Scientists” team
“Ubuntu Sponsors” team
“Ubuntu Testcase Admins” team
“Ubuntu Testing Tools Team” team
“Ubuntu Transition Trackers” team
“Ubuntu UK” team
“Ubuntu Uploaders” team
“Ubuntu Wiki Editors” team
“Ubuntu-discuss Bug team” team
“Xubuntu Users” team