I am, in a nutshell, a big geek, who takes great pride and joy in making other geeks into bigger and better (and hopefully more highly rewarded) geeks. Recently, I have stepped into the management role, looking for ways to leverage my skills as a "force multiplier" across the entire team, so as to better the team (and the organization) as a whole.

I have spent the last fifteen years diving into the technology industry, starting from my first forays into C++ with the help of Bjarne Stroustrup's "The C++ Programming Language", into Windows (both 16- and 32-bit), then Java, .NET, and now pretty much anything that seems interesting, including languages (both programming and domain-specific), virtual machines (most notably the JVM and CLR, but also the various Smalltalk VMs like Strongtalk or Squeak, and Parrot), large-scale enterprise systems, and agile development practices. I have worked on projects that were intended for public-facing customer bases in the millions, and on projects that ran headlessly on server machines in the basement.

I currently consult to a variety of companies, including Microsoft, IBM and Sun, I teach .NET through Pluralsight and other topics independently, and I spend my time researching new technologies and applying them to customers' problems. I can be found at a variety of conferences, including the No Fluff Just Stuff Software Symposia (http://www.nofluffjuststuff.com), via my blog at http://blogs.tedneward.com, or as the interviewer for the "On Software" series of videocasts released by Pearson on iTunes. Or, do what we all do anyway, and just Google my name--you'll find me.

Contact me if you think I can help you with your own IT projects and staff.

Specialties: Architecture, Java (language, JVM), J2EE/JEE (including large-scale), .NET (CLR), C# (language), VB (language), WCF, WF, C++ (including C++/CLI), other languages (including development of new languages), JVM and CLR internals
 Know more https://www.linkedin.com/pro/tedneward

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