Cardapio is stepping into 2016

Written for Cardapio by Eugene San on 2016-01-03

For last years Cardapio enjoyed only from minor modifications targeted to support changes in underlying OS components.
Among changes are:
- Support for Python 2.7+
- Support for GTK3.2
- Support for Gnome3.2

Toward next LTS release of Ubuntu, Cardapio is going to need a couple more changes:
- Support for Gnome3.18+/GTK3.18+
- Python 3

Currently only support for Gnome-Flashback is maintained.
If you are a maintainer of an applet for different Desktop Environment or just willing to help with porting Cardapio to Python3,
Cardapio needs you!

Following introduction of GIT support for Launhpad, development is going to continue using GIT:

Happy new year!

Updated .

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