iHRIS Manage and iHRIS Qualify 4.1.6 Release

Written for iHRIS Qualify by Carl Leitner on 2013-04-05

We are pleased to announce the release of iHRIS Manage and iHRIS Qualify 4.1.6. Key components of the iHRIS platform of software, iHRIS Manage maintains health worker deployment, performance, and attrition information while iHRIS Qualify tracks training, certification, and licensure.

New features to highlight in this release include:

    Self-Service support for iHRIS Qualify
    Data Standardization and Quality:
        Added a new Coded List form for easy implementation of code in drop-down lists that will better support the use of national and international standard data lists, data quality and interoperability.
        Added the ability to easily consolidate lists of data (e.g. consolidate ‘nurse/midwife’, ‘midwife’ and ‘SBA’ into ‘midwife’) to support quick standardization and simplification of data lists (e.g. to get 500 job titles down to a new standard list of 80)
    Data Reporting:
        Added a new Cross Tab report option that allows for display of data by easily assigning variables to rows and columns – for example a table that presents health worker cadres by district or gender by facility type.
        Added a new ‘starts with’ filter for searching report data – For instance searching on ‘alf’ will return ‘Alfred’ or ‘Alfonse’, but not ‘Gandalf’.
        Several improvements to generating reports from open office word document templates
        Improved site speed by allowing reports to be used to select data instead of long drop down lists
    Site Configuration and Customization:
        Improved ability to create and edit forms and lists automatically through the web interface
        Easier uploading of site configuration data from the web interface
        Security improvements for production sites
    In-Service Training:
        Added ability to easily add and remove students from a course
        Highlight students that have taken a course more than once
        Added ability to quickly enter in pre-, post- and in-course exam scores
        Added training participation report to track training attendance

You can find download and installation instructions here:
and direct links to the downloads here:

Please join our google group for more support:

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