New Lernid Release 0.8.2

Written for Lernid by John S. Gruber on 2011-09-15

Lernid version 0.8.2 has been released, both upstream and to the Ubuntu development release--Oneiric. The new release many bug fixes and improvements.

The major area of improvement in this release is in Lernid's handling of slides. A student can now open a copy of the slides for browsing, bookmarking, or saving and an instructor can add one or more sets of slides "on-the-fly". The improvements in event handling in this release also eliminate the possibility that a student could be in a classroom, but connected to an old event. This confusion presented a problem in the past as these students couldn't follow the current sessions well.

Another improvement, often requested, is that old sessions are now trimmed and scrolled off the top of the session tab, making it easier to view upcoming sessions..

Information about obtaining the upstream release of Lernid is available at The Oneiric release is expected on October 13, 2011.

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