Hello to all who read this !!

I started dabbling with computers when I was in high school, I was 16 at the time. Before that, I had taken 4 years of wood working classes, can you guess what I wanted to do before I found computers? I started taking the classes and found that everyday was something new for me to learn and experiment with. I will say I defiantly had my share of "electrical mishaps" when I started out. I still experience them today. When I was 18 my first hob was at a local computer shop, there is where I learned most of my skills I have today. I worked there for about a year or so until I graduated and moved on to something different. At this time I started attending collage for my associates degree in Computer Networking Systems. After about two years I was done and I had graduated, but then went right back to school to go for my bachelors in Information Security Systems. Now during all this time I had been a pretty heavy Microsoft user. I had been using Microsoft since Windows 98 days. I started to play with Linux in 2003 off and on and trying different distributions unable to find the one I liked and could latch on to.

In 2006 I found Ubuntu and I was hooked. It was like on those commercials for V8 juice where the person gets hi in the head and they are like "what am I doing, I should have switched long ago!". The more I used Ubuntu the more I learned and became more comfortable with. I slowly started to ween myself off of Microsoft and try to go full open source. I have been a Microsoft user for a long time, so it was a little difficult to make the change, most of my experience at that time was with Microsoft desktops and servers.

That is all I took care of at my last job. At my last place of work I was hired to be a Apple/Microsoft tech. Same as my current job. I fell in love with Apple when I was at that job. To be honest most of the tickets I had were Microsoft machines. I rarely had a Macintosh ticket. They are just such a solid machine, hardware and software. But yet again it is a closed source operating system, like Microsoft. I just wanted to have the freedom so do what I wanted, How I wanted, when I wanted with MY computer. That is where Linux come in. It is nice to be so versatile since I have Mac/WIn/Linux experience.

Linux It self is such a huge accomplishment. I just think about the cost of A Windows laptop compared to a Linux laptop and I am overjoyed. To believe that such a powerful operating system that has such potential, is opened free to the world, it mind blowing for me. I am so grateful and appreciative of the people that have devoted there life to open source development. And shame one you, the people that want to stop it. Shame.

Well I have typed enough. Good by for now.

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